domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Histology, my favorite subject!!!

In my firts year of university the subjects isn´t really interesting for me, because my interested are more specific that you can be learn in beginner of a degree, however, exit histology!!!.

Histology is the microscopic description of cellular tissue of animals and vegetables and explain the origin of formation to body parts such as eyes, hair, brain, extremities, vascular system, nervous system, etc.

I love this subject because is very interesting and help to understand the process of formation to body parts and organ systems, what is more, you understand the process of formation to LIFE, the embryonic develop!!!, is amazing what do you learn, besides the teacher is the best, you know she because I speak to she before (Maria Soledad Fernandez G).

Even though this year isn´t I expecting, this subject make me push all my energy and interest in have good marks and I hope that my effort is be recompense :) .

6 comentarios:

Cathi. dijo...

Hahaha, you really love to professor Fernández! me too (:

Regaaaards, Naty :D

Carolina dijo...

Is a interesting subject but is very difficult too :S

vale dijo...

Your photo is very nice, i love dolphin

Clau Llamin dijo...

copycat !!!! :)
i love to, it's very interesting

victor dijo...

I also like histology, but after anatomy.

see you later

Miss dijo...

In my firts year of university the subjects isn´t really interesting for me, because myWF interested are more specific that you can be WF learn in beginner of a degree, however, WW exit histology!!!.

Histology is the microscopic description of cellular tissue of animals and vegetables and explain the origin of formation to body parts such as eyes, hair, brain, extremities, vascular system, nervous system, etc.

I love this subject because is very interesting and SVA help to understand the process of formation to body parts and organ systems, what is more, you understand the process of formation to LIFE, the embryonicdevelop!!!, is amazing what do you learn, besides the teacher is the best, you know WF she because I speak to she before (Maria Soledad Fernandez G).

Even though this year isn´t I expecting, this subject make me push all my energy and interest in have good marks and I hope that my effort is be WW recompense :) .

well the best of luck with it!!

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