domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Ideal job?????, exist????

Today i notice that the miss have other work for this blog, and i dont know idea that write, because is related with the job that you want...

Probably all people one time in your life make this question, and i am too, i thinking every day, every moments, and i dont have the answer...

maybe i choose my ideal job went i was a child, because in this time i dreaming with working in a African zoo, specially with the lions, i dreaming that i feed and take care them, but now, i know that this was only a dream and in my reality i dont found my work place.

So, i decide carry on dreaming and maybe, some day, i found something that i really want :), while i take the work in a zoo, like a medical veterinary of exotic animals, because this work have beauty, adventure and risk, like always in the life :).

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