domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

Bad evolution!

The evolution of my country and specific of the Chilean people are was very poor and bad in terms of social behavior.

I was born in the decade of the 80 (specific in 1988 so I´m not that old XD) and despite of my young age I remember a lot of things and my mother and father always remembered past times, so I always heard to other people talking about the past.

In my opinion, people in the past was much more respectful than at present, because the education of children was in charge of one of the parents who usually was the mother (because the Chilean society is sexist), so the children respected their elders, they obeyed and never questioned the word of their parents because this word was a law. For this reason the society of 80 was much more passive than today, perhaps it also allowed the military regime in Chile was so long, because only a few people dared to question the orders of any person having power, maybe this was because in the past, the punishment in front the questions or disobedience was with violence (isn’t exist the knowledge of human rights).

Also in the 80s the information of sex, religion and politics was handled by a few, because they were taboo topics, but now the information of any topic is free and easy access so the people are much more active in every way. This freedom also has consequences that are the loss of respect for authority, lack of control by parents (today both work), and loss of innocence of children, youth and adolescents, because the technology often open windows that show subjects to be treated with care in the family.

Finally if I have to choose a decade of live, certain I choose a decade ago, because before people were much more friendly, innocent, expressive, talkative and especially because before you could hear and dance GOOD MUSIC XD.